After a quiet night at Norrfällsviken, we moved on this morning to head back to Härnösand. We have booked a car from Härnösand and will head north to pick Anne up from the airport at Luleå. We didn’t rush and left shortly before 9am. Once again, we had to motor for a couple of hours until a little wind started to settle in. Unexpectedly (and in direct contradiction to the forecast) it settled in from the north, so we initially poled out the genoa, but after an hour and a half or so, put the spinnaker up to make the most of the breeze. we held this for nearly two hours, but eventually had to succumb to the motor once again as the breeze died a little. The last hour and a half or so was then spent motoring in, but the weather did gradually start to clear with some glimpses of the sun – the first we had seen all day. In total we did 43.5 miles and arrived in Härnösand south gasthamn, mooring almost next door to Airborne. To see our track, follow the link below: