A short trip today which started very energetically. With a nice breeze from directly behind we hoisted full main and then after fiddling with bits of string for ten minutes poled the jib out to goosewing our way down the channel. After sitting down feeling very self-satisfied with the speed we were doing as a result, it quickly transpired that the wind had shifted slightly and we weren’t going to make the course without gybing again. So, another ten minutes of fiddling with string followed to gybe us round. However, we then made excellent progress across past the top of Vaxholm and into Svinninge marina. As we approached Svinninge there was a very helpful navigation marker, though one that is not listed in the standard IALA manual.

The sails came down just before we got to the marina and we squeezed through between the pontoons and the island to make our way to the guest berths on D pontoon. There we moored next to Sam and Mags. They had their car there and ran us to the supermarket to stock up before hosting us for a lovely evening meal.